I have not written is so long and so much has happened over the last several months. Heck, this last 2 weeks have been incredible! It is going to take a few posts to get all the wonderful stuff out to you!
In July we were blessed with an opportunity we could not have imagined. We found a office space in Plattsburgh. A space with a warm soul that when you enter you know there is peace. A space giving energy to an organization determined to reach and support all that they can.
Over the last week, working through the weekend and late into the night, we have been creating a space that has open arms and welcomes you with kindness and love. But all of the hours and work… this is not a job. It is an extension of home. When you visit our home you will be welcomed with love and that love carries into the space that holds Healing Grace. The walls are yellow and blue. Yellow a color for life, hope and golden healing energy. Blue a color of calm and peace.

This is not a job. It is a way of life. It is diligently creating a space to hold our community, programming to heal and educate, and connection on a level like no one who has not walked in our shoes can fully understand. Knowing that there is a dark side to this journey that needs our love and acceptance. Learning that this dark dank side of our lives is but a part of the journey that goes up and down. I carry the loss of my daughter with me every day and I also hold and connect with each of your losses. I breakdown and cry until the tears run dry. Knowing that the light and joy will return. How do I know this? Evidence. It does and I have seen it. I have experienced it.
Planning for those moments of sadness and knowing what I need to do in those times. Reach out to a fellow mom of loss. Sit quietly and embrace the tears. Love on them as much as I love the laughter and smiles in times of joy.
On September 9th, I was honored with a visit from State Senator Dan Stec of the 45th district and his Chief of Staff Deborah Capezzuti. I shared this message with them. I want the world to know this about the grief journey. I want us to feel free to talk about every part of this journey from the sadness to the joy. Say our babies names, don’t put a timeline on our grief, listen and just validate where we are at and be with us.

Following up on this visit in a few weeks we will be hosting an open host with a ribbon cutting. On September 25th, at 1pm to 4pm, you are all invited to come and connect with myself and learn what we are doing and how we are doing it. If you have a gift to share that could help our families please come and connect with me or email me. I am always looking for new ways to support our community. This whole project is about the community and connection.
I don’t think I can express in words what Healing Grace means to me and what I want it to mean to our area. I am forever grateful for the community support. If you can consider becoming a sustaining member to ensure we can continue to this work for years to come. Donations can be made at www.healinggraceph.org.
Finding life from death. Coming from love and living your truth. Peace and Love.

(Published September 13, 2021)